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Many of us are currently undergoing massive changes in our lives. These changes are necessary for the upgraded new fifth dimensional world to fully function at higher frequencies. It is somewhat comforting to know that almost everyone is undergoing some sort of upheaval.

I am no stranger to change. During the past ten years, I have undergone such a massive transformation, that I've learnt to look forward to change, rather than fear it. In fact, these days I embrace change, because I know that the discomfort is temporary, and the rewards will be long lasting.

Each time I undergo an enormous life shift I learn and grow. We all do. I have learnt that a positive attitude and focused mindset always wins. It truly is important to expect the very best outcome in every situation no matter how big or small. Never dwell negatively on your current reality. Look at the humor in your situation. Pretend you've fast forwarded a couple of years, will it matter then? Probably not, so do your best not to waste your precious energy worrying about it now.

"Learn to be fully present in each moment.  Absorb and feel all of your feelings.  Then come back to your heart space and release and transmute those feelings with love."

Covering up your true feelings will never serve you going forward. It is important to truly feel your current feelings, because they are an indicator of what needs to be transmuted and healed. Use your feelings as a guide and ride out the emotional wave. Then focus on releasing your fears with love. When you do this, you are truly using your heart space. It is always better to lead with love, rather than to follow love. Leading with love will open up your heart, and an open heart always brings great rewards. An open heart space will help you to attract all that you desire.

Once you learn how to lead with love, you will realize that you had the power all along! You will not need to chase anything. All you need to do is work on self love, and releasing all that no longer serves you. When you do that, everything in your life will lovingly change.

If you find yourself in a life changing situation, and you don't know what to do, then remember these seven things:

  1. Breathe d e e p, l o n g, s l o w breaths regularly.

  2. Meditate and connect to your Higher self, pray and do exercise daily.

  3. Follow your intuition before it makes absolute sense to you.

  4. It is imperative to keep all your thoughts positive, all day long.

  5. Have some fun. Laugh and play and you will start to relax.

  6. Have absolute faith that everything is working out for your highest good.

  7. Go outdoors into nature daily. Connecting with Gaia will help you to feel grounded and centered. Inspired ideas and answers to your questions will come when you are not feeling so flighty.

Now is the time for us to put an end to the fears regarding change and the unknown. Change should never be feared, whether it is personal or Planetary. Fear is a third dimensional way of thinking and because our Planet has upgraded to fifth dimensional love frequencies, your fears will not serve you, so you might as well surrender your fears and upgrade into higher love frequencies.

Know and trust that you are always safe and Divinely guided. Believe that everything is happening for your Highest good, and it will.

I love you ALL,

Till next time,


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