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Six Minute Violet Flame Decree

By decreeing daily with the Violet Flame you take enormous strides towards burning your karma.  Saint Germain wishes for everyone to decree with the six minute decree daily. To build momentum decree for 30 consecutive days, and you will find that your life will change in miraculous ways.

Violet Flame Decree for Children and Adults 

This brand new easy to learn decree channeled to me by Saint Germain is a wonderful introduction for children (and adults) to the Violet Flame.  Visualize the glorious Violet flame whilst reciting this decree out loud with the video.

New Abundance Violet Flame Decree

Visualize your aura sealed by golden light which is surrounded by the Violet flame and is transmuting all poverty consciousness back into love as you recite this decree. I suggest putting this video on loop and reciting it 3x per day

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