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Twin flames do not always connect in every lifetime, and many twin flames have not shared time together on Planet Earth in over a thousand years. Because our Earth's frequencies have now shifted into the fifth dimension, these sacred twin flame unions are now possible during this exciting time.

Most firstwave light workers have been working toward this union for the past 12 or so years, and it is now time for them to reap the rewards. These sacred twin flame unions are essential for the future development and vibrational upgrades of humanity and our Planet.

This means that many twin flame unions are, and will soon be connecting once again in this lifetime. Genuine twin flame connections on Earth are still extremely rare. However, the amount of twin flame unions during this vibrational shift will be noticeably higher than ever before. This is because the fifth dimension is predominately known as the "love vibration", and twin flame unions are solely based on unconditional love.

Most people do not know who their twin flame is - that is, until they meet them. When, and if you do meet your true twin flame in this lifetime, you will know, because the connection is unlike anything you have ever felt before! The connection is unmistakeable and so incredibly special.

The twin flame bond is often mistaken to be a highly charged romantic union. The connection is intense, and the chemistry is usually off the charts, but true twin flame unions are here specifically in a Divine partnership to co-create with God (Source).

True twin flames form incredibly powerful couples. They are spiritual leaders of our time!

They have been called to come forth during this Great Shift and lead the way into the Golden Aquarian Age in their particular spiritual field.

When you meet your true twin flame, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt. The love that you have for each other is so deep and rare, that it will not be like anything that you have ever experienced before. It is the highest form of unconditional love that you can have for another human being.

You and your twin will most likely meet in a beautiful, serendipitous way. You will not be nervous or jittery upon meeting, but rather, you will be calm, comfortable and relaxed.

When you meet your twin, you will instantly know that you have known each other in many previous lifetimes.

Until you are vibrationally ready, you will probably come across a few"fake" twin flames. The "fake" twins (sometimes referred to as karmic twin flames) usually come along to help trigger some of the things that we need to work on and release. This may in a way seem cruel, but it really is a way to push you to get past some present and past life traumas, and this will force you to do the necessary inner self work, so that you can finally heal. This healing is necessary, as it will after all lead you closer to your true twin flame!

Because of the difficulty in preparing yourself to be vibrationally ready for the true twin flame union, is one of the reasons why so many people have not yet met their twin flame in this lifetime. It is because each twin needs to undergo a major personal transformation before they are ready to meet up and co-create together with God (Source).

That being said, a genuine twin flame union on Earth is certainly not for everyone. You need to be willing to face and release your very deepest fears and shadows before meeting up. This process can take many, many years and be somewhat daunting. It is not for the faint-hearted. Who knows, your twin might not even be on our Planet at this time.

Major healing and transmutation of all past life and present karma, fears, traumas and other ailments need to be released. You will need to surrender to the flow and let go of absolutely everything and anyone that no longer serves your path moving forward. The forgiveness and healing process needs to come full circle, and each twin needs to do their own inner self work before they are ready to connect with each other in this lifetime.

This process can take many years and it requires strict discipline and daily dedication. You will experience the dark night of the soul and some days will hit you so hard that you won't even want to climb out of bed.

You and your twin may need to experience relationships with other people in your younger years so that you can learn, grow, and release all things that no longer serve your life path moving forward.

Once you and your twin have each done enough inner work and received enough DNA upgrades, you will both be vibrationally ready to connect with each other in this lifetime for a sacred, blessed union.

If you happen to connect before you are both vibrationally ready, then the meeting will be intense, sweet and perhaps fiery, but also short lived. You will continue to zig and zag in and out of each others lives until you have both worked on yourselves enough to commit to a lifetime of serving others together in co-creation.

Did you know that every time you do a meditation and recite your I AM affirmations, that you are releasing and transmuting past life and present day karma for yourself AND for your Twin Flame. This is one of the purest, most beautiful forms of unconditional love that you can have for your Divine counterpart!

I have known for many years that this is my last lifetime on Planet Earth. I know that I only agreed to come back here if I had something major to contribute to humanity and Gaia. I did not know, until a few years ago that my work going forward was to be in co-creation with God and my twin flame.

I first figured out who my twin was several years ago. The timing to meet wasn't right then, and not knowing it at the time, we both still had a whole lot of healing and forgiving to do!

After a few weeks of knowing who he was, I subsequently forgot all about him for a couple of years and continued along my spiritual path.

I then went on a long sabbatical, during which I wrote several books, and it was during this time, that I started doing really intense inner self work for myself (and my twin flame). I had been doing the inner work for many years prior, but it wasn't until my sabbatical that I figured out that this work was preparing and getting me ready to meet my twin, thus doing my part for both of us to meet up once again in this lifetime.

During my sabbatical I did shadow work, past life work, dream work and inner child work. I meditated and did yoga religiously every single day, twice and sometimes even three or four times a day. I learnt all about the Christ Consciousness and I allowed the Christ Light to fill my aura. I underwent intense DNA upgrades, and because I was meditating so often, I had to rest frequently to let my body catch up to where my mind and spirit were at.

During this period, all sorts of emotions and feelings surfaced, and I had to learn how to forgive, transmute, heal and release everything that I was clinging onto so dearly.

Towards the end of my Sabbatical I received a message that I needed to go back to Southern California because I was now ready to meet up with my twin flame.

My twin and I have not physically met up yet in this lifetime. I am not even sure if he knows that he is my twin flame. I do however know that we (our Higher Selves) meet up every night in the Astral realm (all twin flames do), and I am not sure that I can exactly put into words how incredibly beautiful and powerful this nightly union is.

The twin flame union is unlike any other connection that I have ever felt. It feels sacred and divine, magical, exciting, tranquil and yet simultaneously electrically charged with insane chemistry. It is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss combined, and this nightly union is truly what has kept me going on my spiritual journey. It is what makes me look forward to going to sleep every single night!

My twin flame's Higher Self is always sending me messages, and my Higher Self sends my twin messages daily too. These messages are to help us to course correct every day so that we can meet up sooner, rather than later in this lifetime. Whether my twin flame is consciously aware of these messages or not, I do not know for sure.

A beautiful message that my twin flame's Higher self once sent me, was to listen to the song "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. I still listen to it every night before I go to sleep.

Another message was to be on the lookout for Swans - not necessarily real live swans as those are harder to come by, but pictures and images of swans, which I now see everywhere! Two swans are a symbol of the divine twin flame union.

Even though I have known who my twin flame is for many years, I know that it is better to let our "connection" be natural, spontaneous and effortless. It is always better for twins to meet when they are both vibrationally ready, so patience and trust is key.

If twin flames meet up before either of them are ready, then it could jeopardize the union going forward. I personally know that I have put in a lot of self work for this union, and now my heart, mind and soul are ready for this Divine partnership.

If you are a first (or second) wave lightworker and this blog resonated with you - and you have not yet met your twin flame, then I urge you to keep doing the inner self work. Keep believing that you deserve this sacred union. Keep loving yourself and stay true to your path.

Always expect that the best is yet to come, keep the faith, and trust in the beautiful, divine life path that God has planned for you.

I love you ALL!

Until next time,


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