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Several nights ago, I was at the beach watching the sunset. Two benches to my left a man was playing an acoustic guitar. His playing style was unique, and I was entranced.

Next to me, on a picnic blanket, was a Mum with her young son. He couldn't have been older than two. She had surprised him with dinner at the beach, and I heard her ask "How does your heart feel right now?" Intrigued, I leaned in closer to hear the reply. I had never before heard a Mum ask her child that. "Happy" he shouted with glee. In that moment, I thought what a different world this would be if all adults had been asked questions like that in their youth.

A few songs later, the little boy got up off the picnic blanket and went up to the guitar player. "Can you play Yellow Submarine?" he asked. The musician, humbled by the request, confessed that he did not know the chords to that particular song. Yet, offered to look it up on his phone and shortly thereafter started singing and playing the song.

I found myself smiling and singing along, as did the couple sitting next to me and the lady who had pulled up a beach chair next to the musician's bench. Soon enough, the entire sunset crowd was singing along to "Yellow Submarine".

What a magical moment in time those three minutes were! It is truly rare to be part of such a beautiful union of perfect strangers. I felt so much love in my heart in that very moment. I could feel and see the frequency of the beach rising into beautiful pink hues of love! I went to sleep that night with a very happy, glowing heart.

My question to all of you is - when is the last time you asked your heart how it feels? If the answer isn't along the lines of happy, elated, or joyful, then what are you going to do about it?

Till next time,

Much love to you ALL!

Sonja x

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