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It was a gorgeous Summers day, and I went for a walk alongside the beach. I stopped and took a rest on a bench facing the sea. I sipped on coconut water which was refreshingly cool and quenched my thirst way more than an iced mocca frappuchino would have.

It was rather breezy and I took a rest on a bench facing the sea. It was a well picked spot as I was sitting right in front of a home of busy squirrels. Many of them youngsters, scurrying

around for scraps of food and being awesomely cute. Their Mamas looked exhausted and could have used a few days vacation.

I try as often as possible to just sit still in nature and see what it is whispering to me, and every single time I am pleasantly surprised by something new.

Our days are so often spent zooting around from one chore or activity to the next. Even holidays are planned to the last detail, (or not planned at all), and end up in a last minute rush so that they are barely enjoyed, and I am wondering how people fit time in to just be. To just relax. Not even to read a book, but to just sit quietly and to listen (without listening to anything off your phone or tablet or radio), merely the noises from nature.

Whilst I was sitting there, a small moth landed on a leaf not far from me, and I thought “ok it’s just a little moth”, but then my intuition told me to be patient, to watch it just a little longer, and so I did. Twenty seconds later it opened it’s wings and instead of being just an ordinary grey moth, it turned into the most marvelous purple creation I have seen in a long time! I didnt even have my phone with me to take a photo, but it shall remain engrained in my memory forever.

By sitting still and listening to what the universe wanted to tell me I learnt 2 things.

  1. Be still and listen more often so that I can be astonished by nature. The same thing applies to people.

  2. This beautiful moth was a good reminder to not judge a book by it’s cover. How often do we not give people the chances they deserve in life, because we have already judged them and made a decision in ego, by doing this we might miss out on wonderful opportunities.

This week I urge you to take out a few minutes every single day. Stop what you are doing completely. Put that phone on silent, clear your mind and just sit and marvel at nature. No need to meditate or do anything and try not to have any expectations. Be open to letting the universe deliver some sort of an unexpected, but lovely surprise to you!

I wish you all a wonderful week ahead,

Much love


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