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Something truly cool that I've noticed on my spiritual journey, is that the more I tune in and meditate, the more I experience Divine synchronicities. I know those words sound like they need to be a super special occurrences in order to be "Divine" but they really don't.

Once you start meditating, you become more aligned and in tune with who you really are. Meditating regularly will raise your vibration, and this allows you to become more and more connected to higher realms.

When this happens, you start experiencing Divine synchronicities (otherwise known as miracles) all day and every day. When you are truly tuned in and connected regularly, you will realize that they are not really miracles, but mere daily occurrences that "should" happen naturally every day.

Once you are tuned in, the key is to pay attention and notice all the steps so that they can guide you moving forward. The more you notice them, the more you'll receive them.

Being totally present in the now also helps you to appreciate even the smallest of Divine synchronicities. Being present teaches you to fully enjoy every moment, and when you do that, when you are truly living your joy, that is when the magic happens!

Lately I've been finding a lot of coins. I play a little game, and whenever I find a coin or penny I say "see a penny, pick it up, all day long I'll have good luck."

I know that finding pennies isn't really luck. It is infinite intelligence (my Angels and Guides) sending me messages. They are having immense fun with me, and by sending me to places where I spot a coin, my reward is that I then get another clue. It's like a never ending puzzle, which I love!

A few days ago I was truly in tune and connected. I spotted a penny on my morning walk. I smiled when I saw it, picked it up and put it in my pocket whilst reciting the phrase.

An hour later, I was guided to go to the bookstore at the mall where I spotted another coin on the paving. I laughed, picked it up and again recited the phrase and put it in my pocket.

I didn't know why I'd been "sent" to the bookstore, I was just guided to go there.

So, I followed the prompts and would you have it, my intuition lead me straight to a book in Barnes and Noble about "finding coins and the spiritual symbolism about them!"

I roared with laughter when I saw the book.

The universe really does enjoy having fun with you. The more fun you have, the more fun they send your way!

Divine synchronicities can be as simple as finding a feather or a coin, a golf peg, a heart shape, a card from your favorite collection, or anything that delights you.

Infinite intelligence, or Source (God) knows exactly what it is that brings you joy, so keep meditating and tuning in to raise your vibration, so that you can have fun and live your joy in every moment by finding whatever it is that makes your heart sing.

As for me, I'll be purchasing a jar to put all of my new found pennies in.

Until next time,

Much love

Sonja x

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